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Invest in America, Buy Land.

503+/- Acres – Lafayette County, Florida

Barfield Auctions > 503+/- Acres – Lafayette County, Florida

503+/- Acres - Lafayette County, Florida



503+/- Total Acres
Lafayette County, Florida

Asking Price: $2,500,000.00

70+/- Acres 7 year old Long leaf Pines
175+/- Acres recent planted CMP Slash Pines
175+/- Acres recent planted Long leaf Pines
Excellent interior road system
Creek Frontage
Close proximity to Suwannee River

Directions: From the roundabout in Live Oak, FL, travel on SR 51 S for 4 3/10 miles. Turn right on CR 250 and travel 14 1/10 miles. Turn left on CR 53 and travel 4/10 of a mile to the property on the right.


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